Thursday, October 10, 2024

good sound project

 Hello, my fellow humans, the other day in me Aice media class we did a project. The project was called the sound project, and we had to create Mutiple scenes that consisted of how just pure sound alone. The main goal was to make the viewer understanding what's happening on just the sound and no picture at all I had a partner, and we split the work into two. We performed some scenes about a fire drill, and we added a bunch of school clips such as the door closing, the backpack closing, the fire alarm, the children talking, and more to demonstrate the environment we were located in. On the other hand, the project was really fun, and I couldn't have done it without my partner, and we utilize the platform iMovie. Me and my partner brainstorm for about an hour and we created our outline which helped us allot because it was basically a step-by-step process what to do and we also didn't want to forget our ideas. So, the outlined helped us allot with those key things, on the other hand the brainstorming part was really fun, and me and my partner connect the dots pretty easily, since we had similar ideas and knew what we were going to do. For the next time, I would like to try to use iMovie a bit better though since it has a bit of restrictions so I would probably switch to adobe next which my teacher does have subscriptions that we can use.

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