Hello, my fellow humans,
julio again,
Today, I have come on here to discuss my first preliminary project in my class Aice Media Studies. The project was based on specific shots and angles. We had to choose one or two inanimate objects as characters and use a variety of shots to tell the story. Me and my partner used a water bottle cut out a piece of rectangular paper and taped it on the back to make it as if the bottle had a cape.
We shot the story outside on the school campus, featuring the staircase of another building. We used all types of different shots such as long shots, close-ups, extreme close-ups, over-the-shoulder shots, point of view, and more. The project was super fun and it made me really understand all the different types of shots and angles as well as have a better understanding of how the angles/shots should be filmed/taken.
Furthermore, I feel like we did a really good job of capturing all the angles. We had some great pictures of the water bottle and the pencil that made them look like they were really having a battle although they were inanimate objects. For example, the pencil falling in us capturing a perfect shot of the pencil in mid-air, and the next picture has no angle of the water bottle and it's meant to portray how the water bottle looks down as the pencil falls making the water bottle more menacing and giving him more power and authority. Although we did really good on a lot of shots, I feel like we could work better on the establishing shot, Think it was just a little bit difficult since the pencil couldn't stand on its own so we had to use a notebook to hold the pencil but I think next time we can do better and make a proper standard just use a different object.
Here is the link for those who want to see the project:https://browardschools.instructure.com/courses/1828176/assignments/44597873/submissions/450393?download=268098475
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