Monday, September 30, 2024

1 word

Nowdays, julio

 Hello my fellow humans, The other day in my Aice media class we had a very fun project. The project had to made out of 1 word that was given to us by our teacher, and our main job was to represent that word in a one minute to a minute half short film. Me and my group were assigned with the word frustration, and we had to take multiple different type of shots and angles to express the word frustration. Me and my partner decided to brainstrom the idea of a person getting a bad grade and them having to trade in their car keys because of the bad grade that they received, which of course demonstrates frustration, he kicked some things,got angry,and shook his head to demonstrate it. Although these were all good techniques I feel like we could've done a better job on the different type of angles and using more advanced type of shots and angels. On the other hand, we used the editing software iMovie on our phones, into a surprise it turned out pretty good and we made the word frustration really pop out.

Week Six (3/3-3/9) 1/4

Hello, fellow humans, Production is now officially on day 7,  We're out here in the town center in Weston, keeping things as simple as c...